Indoor Bowls

Indoor Bowls were first played in 1957 and in the first season 96 members joined up.

Membership of the Indoor Bowls section has fluctuated over the years and currently we have 21 members.

We participate in the North Canterbury competitions, the Champion of Champion competitions and Inter club Competitions. Recently having some success with Wayne Milne Runner Up in the North Canterbury Singles Tournament. Graeme Moore won the Frost Trophy for bowling the furthest and Trish Milne winning the Plate Section.

The season runs from the beginning of March through to the beginning of October.

We play at the RSA club on Monday evenings from 7pm.  We do not charge members to join the section, but we do charge a $2/person mat fee each time you play.

We are always keen to have new members. If you wish to join our section please phone the club contacts below.

President: Valda Hopkins 03 327 9976

Secretary: Trish Milne 03 313 0158

Treasurer: Merv Willis 03 327 9976

Club Captain: Wayne Milne 03 313 0158

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