Golf Section

Even the most competitive golfer needs some “social” golf time.

The Golf Section has a membership in excess of 50 members, all with differing golfing abilities, from the low handicapper to those just beginning.

Golf outings are organised on a monthly basis (2nd Sunday of the month) where all members compete for the Colleen Cherry Memorial Trophy (Best Stableford for the day).  Prizes on the day are awarded to the “good” golfers, with those who’s day on the golf course wasn’t so good, going into a “lucky card” draw giving everyone a chance to take home a prize.  

Members also compete over the year (June to May) for the “Best of Year” awards which are presented in June at the Annual General Meeting.

The June and December events are “teams” events and followed by a dinner.  At the beginning of each year a subsidised “weekend away trip” is organised followed in March when a “RSA Welfare” Fundraising Tournament is held.

Throughout the year, Thursday evening raffles are run which allows for the subsidising of all events including the “away” trip.

In 2011, 2015, 2017 and 2022 the Rangiora RSA has hosted the New Zealand RSA Golf Tournament – a 4 day event hosting players from throughout the country. An event again being hosted in 2021.  In the interim years, members have represented the Club at the National event played in Waihi, Rotorua, Tauranga, Hasting and Mt Maunganui.

The Golf section is also represented at the Men’s SI Chartered Clubs Tournament, an event it hosted in 2014 and in 2017 hosted the NZ Chartered Clubs Golf Tournament.

Open to all members of the Rangiora RSA Club

Subscription – $10 per year

Financial Year – 1 June to 31 May

Representative Eliagibility
1)    Must be a financial member of the RSA Club/Golf Section
2)    members must have attended and competed in at least 3 events within the financial year

Section contacts:

Nigel Seaton
Sue McFarlane
Gary Clark


President: Nigel Seaton
Secretary: Sue McFarlane
Treasurer: Gary Clark
Committee: Glen Allin, Gary Cowan, Murray Goodwin, Bernie Rose, Richard Smith and Kevin Sunckell

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